it’s a spring thing
It’s been a long winter and more than likely full of sniffles and colds, so it’s time to get outside, put your wellies on and enjoy the spring air with our activity packed days out that the whole family can enjoy.

Fun at the farm
Nothing says spring like seeing lambs in the fields, so why not get up close with baby animals at your local farm parks. Over Easter lots of farms open their doors to let little ones meet the newest members of their flocks. From chicks to calves, there is something for everyone at the farm.

Chocolate egg quest
The National Trust and Cadburys team up for two weeks of Easter Egg Hunts. Activity-packed trails introduce kids to baby animals and mini beasts, leading to a delicious chocolate reward. For further information on where your nearest egg hunt visit:-

Beasts, bugs and butterflies
A less sugary alternative to a chocolate egg hunt is a mini beast hunt. You can print free bug hunt activity sheets from the woodland trust website for your little ones to use. From looking under logs to rustling through piles of leaves, once your little one spots a mini beast from the sheet, they tick it off and go on the hunt for some more. For the free printable activity sheets visit:-

Hoppy Easter
Aside from the fact that he normally comes bearing chocolate gifts, the Easter bunny is a well-loved tradition for many over Easter. You may need to do a little research into where your local Easter bunny will be however a good place to start is a nearby garden centre. If the garden centre has a soft play attached or an arts and crafts time organized then that’s the icing on the cake.

Pack a picnic
We are relying on the great British weather for this one however with a little forward planning, an Easter themed picnic could be just the ticket to a relaxed family day out. Think about an area near you with lots of grass, possibly a park and/or a lake. Pack an easy finger food lunch with some Easter treats. Be sure to pack a large picnic rug, a bat and ball for games and some change for an ice cream. If you can’t go too far then make use of your garden and set up camp there.