how you can help your little one give up their dummy
If your little one has a dummy, it can be daunting to think about them giving it up. No parent wants to see their little one distressed, so if you’re looking for a gentle approach we think a gradual weaning method may be for you. Whenever and why ever you decide to take the plunge, we have some helpful pointers to get you started.
Firstly we suggest having a little think about your child’s routine. This is to ensure there are no big changes approaching such as a change in childcare, holiday plans or potty training as it would best to start this when their routine is calm and settled.
The best way to start is to remove the dummy when your child doesn’t need it. It is best to keep it out of sight at these times so they are not tempted to pick it up out of habit. Think about times in the day when your child is distracted such as when they are playing with their toys, when they are eating or at bath time. This will help your little one get used to their dummy not being there all time. Try to be consistent with this and tell carers and family members of your new dummy boundaries to avoid confusion for your little one.
Once you feel the above is starting to work, it may be time to decrease the time your little one has with their dummy when they do have it. By slowly decreasing the time every
day/week they will start to get used to less time with it. Remember to move at your child’s pace.
Now it is time to tackle those trickier upset moments. Keeping this just to daytime for a little while, will help your child adjust. This is when you may want to introduce an alternative comfort. Soft animal toys or comfort blankets are popular with little ones as they provide a tactile comfort when they are upset. If your child is old enough to choose, then do involve them in the purchase of their new comfort.
You know your child better than anyone so judge each teary situation and if you think you
can, you could try using rocking techniques combined with a soft toy or security blanket to comfort your little one. It may take some time for them to get used to this so if you find yourself reaching for the dummy, that’s ok, try again next time.
Once you have a hold on the daytime comfort, you can start on the night time. Again, using the same techniques as above start limiting use of the dummy at night time. Expect some teething issues and try not to get disheartened if it doesn’t happen right away. A gradual approach is just that, slow and steady but progressive nonetheless.
We hope we have provided you with some useful tips to set your little one on a dummy
free path. We have own range of ewan baa baa blankies here on our website, perfect for some extra comfort when needed :)
Baa for now, Lucy x